NAME________________________________ D.O.B.______________ M / F PREFERED EMAIL_____________________________________________
LEVEL OF EDUCATION________________________ PROFESSION________________________________CURRENT STUDY________________________
ATHLETIC EXPERIENCE________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
MARTIAL ARTS EXPERIENCE________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
OTHER RELEVANT INFO______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q.1 You’re going on a 4-6 week cross country walk through the desert and thick bush land with 2 other people. You will see no civilization for the entire trip, only watering stops. Each of you have to carry 1 of 3 items each as well as your own personal equipment. They are 1. The food bag, containing all the food all 3 of you will need for the trip. 2. The water containers, which hold about 3 days supply for all of you. 3. The laundry bag, to carry everyone’s dirty clothes. Which do you choose and why.
Q.2 Finish the sequence. 7-14-21-35-49-
Q.3 Finish the sequence. O-L-P-K-Q-J- -
Q.4 Finish the sequence 11-9-4-15-11-1-
Q.5 You find $5000 cash while you’re waiting at a bus stop with out a person in sight. Your bus comes and there’s still no one to be seen. Would you turn the money in to the bus driver.
Q.6 Your lost and you come to a split in the road. One way will take you to safety the other certain death and you have to continue on. At the split there are 2 men standing there. You know one of them will lie to you & the other will tell the truth but you don't know which is which & you can only ask 1 of them 1 question. (You may need to answer 1 or all of the below, depending on your response.) A) Who do you ask? B) What do you ask them? C) What do you do?