WELL DONE IF YOU FIGURED IT OUT & FOUND THIS PAGE. IF YOU FOUND IT BY FLUKE THERE MIGHT BE A REASON. YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS. IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU’VE FOUND IT YOU’LL SEE THERE IS AN APPLICATION TO KIDOKAN KARATE BELOW. IF YOU WISH TO APPLY FILL IT OUT AND EMAIL IT TO kidokan@thewayunlimited.com.au . If you haven’t heard from us within the week unfortunately your application was unsuccessful at this time. But we don't believe in giving up so keep trying to solve the link & find this page to re-apply. Our 2500 or so followers have figured it out see if you can to. |
WHAT IS KIDOKAN What does the name KIDOKAN mean? Literally:- THE WAY OF THE LIFE FORCE SCHOOL Interpretively:- KI— The Inner Energy or Life Force, Eternal, Infinite. DO— The Way KAN—School, Class.
Translation:- School of the Infinite Way. |
If you’ve read the website, which I assume you must have if you found the link, you’ve already been given 2 different explanations of the same philosophy. Or so it would seem, the true knowledge to be found in any philosophy is it’s relation to you, your life & your life’s experience. Otherwise it’s nothing more than some esoteric sounding phrases, this doesn’t mean we have nothing to learn from others, their experiences and the relation of the concept to them from your interpretation. The important part here is the interpretation point. It is pure arrogance to believe you can know the way another person FEELS about anything, even if they tell you. So the best you can do is perceive how you would feel in the same circumstance. This is not a bad thing. It is my opinion, but I tend to believe “ENLIGHTENMENT” is more a matter of priority and understanding than knowing the answer to everything. Great truth can be found in the simplest phrase, my favorite example of this has always been “ IGNORANCE IS BLISS”. I always marvel at the depth of truth in these simple words. When you see a natural disaster on the news you will generally see adults crying and destroyed but within hours children have the ability to bounce back & be playing. There is a very simple reason for this, obviously as we grow so does our comprehension of the world but it has been scientifically proven that our sense of consequence hasn't fully developed until the mid to late 20’s. The children you see playing are simply ignorant of the consequence of the situation and are unable to comprehend it therefore after the initial fright they just return to their normal activity. Most of the stupid things teens do can basically be attributed to this. People always comment that they don't know what they were thinking when they were young, the answer is easy. It’s simply an excess in hormonal drive with an immature sense of consequence. This is simply an explanation of philosophy the applications of any philosophy are only limited by your own understanding. KIDOKAN is the practice of using Martial Training to Discipline, Focus and Empower the individual, by the most efficient means available to succeed in what ever they attempt in life. In fact a key point to progression in our system is peoples ability to apply & stand by their beliefs in life. I’ve been practicing Martial Arts since the age of 4 & in that time I have met some of the greatest Martial Artists of our time, regrettably the majority of exponents are involved for a basically superficial reasons. This is 1 thing we cannot allow in Kidokan as it directly challenges, what we believe to be, the integrity of the system. This in no way means we are purists, we have a firm belief, it works use it. If what you have read here interests you click on the link, fill out the application & Email it to kidokan@thewayunlimited.com.au .
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I DO — SO I AM!!! |